RXL series Reverse Osmosis Systems
2,000-6,000LPH (48-144CMD)

ROTEK RXL Series RO systems are specifically designed to produce the largest pure water production using ROTEK XL-4040 5000GPD RO Membranes. Due to use of high flow 4” membranes, RXL RO system has the most economical design option for industrial applications. Models are available with permeate outputs of between 2,000 and 6,000 liters/hr as shown in the specifications.
Standard Features
RO micro-computer controller with permeate TDS readout
300PSI stainless steel membrane housing+PE end caps
Walrus SS304 multistage pump
5 micron sediment pre-filter
Rotek rotameters for permeate / concentrate / recycling stream
Rotek pressure gauges for pre-filter outlet and RO feed
Danfoss low pressure switch
Electro-plated SS304 skid frame
Provision for CIP
ROTEK XL-4040 RO Membranes (5000GPD)
UPVC SCH80 pipeworks
Adjustable flush time
Small footprint
Economical design
Easy to operate and install
Available Options
Pulse-flush design
Raw water booster pump
Permeate Flush
SS316 or Sanitary grade on pipes and vessels
* Minimum recovery rate is calculated based on no concentrate recirculation,
it is possible to increase the overall recovery rate by increasing the concentrate circulation flow.
** Permeate flow rate can vary depending on type of membrane, raw water quality, and recovery rate.